Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Detroit Cobras -- Mink, Rat or Rabbit

  The original sultry soul singer revival, forget those pop star imitators, the Cobras are the real deal.  These guys musta been diggin' deep in their 45' collections to find all these obscure tunes to cover.  But these aren't mere cover songs, like some wanna-be bar band, they made these tracks their own, and if you listen to this record there's no disputing it -- that's sure as sh*t!  You've got a good range of  ol', Country, R&B, and Soul, all Bluesely Garage Punkified to the up most perfection.  I'm so confident of their greatness that I once told a friend, right before I put the album on, "if you don't like this we're not friends anymore."  But I knew there wasn't a chance that anybody wouldn't like this record.  Mink, Rat or Rabbit, sure, but I'll take Cobra istead!

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