Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Karen Dalton -- It's So Hard To Tell Who's Going To Love You The Best

  A deadly talented, troubled victim from her own boundless gift ... you know drugs, alcohol, kidnapping her own daughter and divorce ... as well as dying of aids in the early 90's, Dalton was truly a tragic figure.  Her style was a Jazzy Folk Blues lead by her Billie Holiday-esque vocals with a 12-string guitar and a long neck banjo, you've never heard anything like nor will you ever again.


  A friend requested me to review this album, I told her I would also sit and attempt to listen to the entire release, and then to go on to write a sarcastic review on how great it is, well let's just say I barely made it past the first couple minutes of the opening track ... all I can think is am I missing something?  I can't stand this f*cking sh*t, where did Pop music go so so wrong?  I blame Disco, up until then Pop was pretty good, obviously there was still crap coming out, just not on the grand scale of nowadays.  Sometimes I wonder why God, the Universe or whatever put me on this earth at this time, everything I do even down to my job is old fashioned, I completely dwell in the dead arts living off what remains of the old world unable to succumb to this modern tripe that surrounds us all the time ... damn you world!!!