Monday, August 18, 2014

Slayer -- Reign In Blood

  I secretly like this album, it's definitely filed under guilty pleasure, as much as the lyrics are sick, twisted and depravingly disturbing, I honestly don't believe that they're really into all this satan bullshit, meaning it's not them who worships the devil it's the modern world that is tolerant of evil and this is their  interpretation of it.  The frantic speed punk gives me nostalgia, and Rubin executes a perfect sound production for the piercing musical assault, but goddamn do I ever hate the guitar solos!!

Why my obsessions with love songs has possibly ruined my life!

  Ever since I can remember I was always a sucker for the love song, the magic that is depicted in these numbers and how I feel inside are one and the same, from the woman I glanced at for just a second to my favourite coffee shop babe to the lady I was with for 5 years, my deepest passionate love is always there.  Question is, if I never heard the thousands of love songs that has soundtracked my heart, would I be such a hopeless romantic?  Personally I think no, for the sole reason that the poetry laced in these tracks has tattooed in my mind that such loving feelings could exsit ... or maybe I've become cynical with the help of heartbreak tunes, 'cause things haven't been working out for me so much lately ... point is, well, I guess there isn't one, other than I'll probably keep getting trampled on until I find someone I can spend the rest of my life with!  Awwwwww ... barf puke vomit!!