Friday, August 19, 2011

The Blues Project -- Live At The Café Au Go Go

  Yikes!  What can I say, are they The Blues Project or just the sh#$ty Yardbirds!  I had bought this record when I was in my full blown everything from the 60's is cool phase, plus it had all the right blues covers for a good album, and in the end I hardly listened to it, as of last night I very much hear why.  Man, I don't know what these guys were doin', nothing was quite right about this record.  The guitar player sounded like he was just twiddling his fingers as fast as he could go, hitting the right notes I'm sure, but no rhythm, no blues, just sh#t!  If that wasn't bad enough, the lead vocals were a total sham, a kind of bad 60's I'm hip, but really a nerd campy crap, I don't think even the Monkees would have him ... thank god they ditched him for their next effort.  Now to get to the worst stinker on this stinkers album, a cover of Donovan's Catch The Wind, this pathetic excuse for a ballad is ear wretchedly awful, if the high pitch organ was any louder I would have had all the neighbourhood dogs at the door step barking, "TURN IT OFF."  As you can tell this Blues Project failed with, as Ricky would say from Trailer Park Boys, "flying carpets"!!  Better luck next time ... f*ckos!

1 comment:

Jerm said...

confusing blog for a damn confusing record!