Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Period Of No Music ... Pun intended? Bet Your Ass It Is!

  I'm sure every music lover, and especially the super snobby delicate album collector go through bouts of this, which I'm currently in, THE PERIOD OF NO MUSIC, which can last up to a couple days or even a week ... usually -- for me at least! He he he (get it?)!  What brings on such a symptom can vary from the good old fashioned being sick of listening after a large music bing eg. long drives, to the depressed 'nothing I hear could ever please me' to my current superstition fuelled state of 'I haven't played a record since that job interview and I won't until I hear back' paranoia, ridiculous I know, but I like to rationalize it as Crowleyian-esque ritual, who knows it's probably a bunch of bunk jive bullsh*t, but we all act a little funny in tough times of life, let's just hope it works ... at least I've got film and books to fall back on to fill the void!

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