Friday, November 16, 2012

Radiohead -- Kid A & Amnesiac

  Just to be clear I am a little iffy about Radiohead, they're kinda hit or miss for me, but these two albums marked the plateau of their career.  I decided to do them simultaneously because they are one and the same, as well as they were intended to be counterparts.  Kid A is a future-scaped Kraut drenched masterpiece.  While Amnesiac stays to form, but has more of a minimalist guitar driven sound.  I remember when Kid A first hit the streets, the music sounded like it had popped outta the future, but my 2012 listen kinda made it sound dated, not in a bad way, just had an early 2000 quality to it.  While Amnesiac had more of a long lasting scope, it felt atmospheric, with the exception of the tracks I plainly had to skip, you could put it out today and no one would bat an eyelash.  With that being said in the end Kid A is still the superior release, but Amnesiac has some of my favorite Radiohead songs of all-time.  Let`s call it a tie ...

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