Thursday, September 20, 2012

Screeching Weasel -- Boogadaboogadaboogada!

  First things first, let's not talk about the punch a girl in the face incident!  What a f*ckin' jerk-bag!  Instead let's talk about how these guys made Punk fun again, who didn't love to play this album as a teenager, smoke weed with your friends and act like total goofballs; as oppose to most of the bummer political Punk, or mega serious Hardcore, or the even worse Straight Edge -- f*ck that sh*t we wanna have a good time!!  I have to say I wasn't too crazy about the 90's Punk that was inspired by these guys, and my only real beef with Boogadaboogadaboogada! is that there is just way too many songs, half the songs are well written, well produced, the other half is too much of the same old with half the effort ... it would have been great if they'd done it like the Circle Jerks's Group Sex, I realize some people are cheesed because that album was too short, but it was perfect, which is what this album could have been!

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