Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Year One! And I'm done!

  Howdy readers,

  It was one whole year ago today I started this thing with Astral Weeks, and man, what a strange tumultuous year it has been ... it's gone from good to weird to bad to weird to good to bad to worse and everything else in-between ... well you get the point.

  My record collection went from a humongous horde to a well maintained stock pile of goodies, plus I bought myself a new setup, which I had never done before, I usually just had the junk shop variety players which can be totally unspeakable.

  Point is, I had set out to review an album every working day for a year, so it was like I was getting paid.  I discovered some new stuff, re-discovered some old stuff and uncovered some total sh*t ... while some of the reviews were inspired, some were uninspired and some were a total sham.  I might be back eventually, although it's going to be whenever the f*ck I want! Ha!  But at the same time I might just leave it as it's own work of art!

Anyway thanks!



P.S. Sorry to all the albums that didn't make it!  Better luck next time!!!!

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