Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Eddie Cochran -- The Best Of ...

  In my opinion Cochran is probably one of the most essential Rockabilly players.  This album is filled with wall to wall classics.  I find it strange when these characters only exist within their own eras, it seems they might have been doomed from the start, like being possessed by some great spirit whom insists they must die while they're on top, or maybe it's the spirit's departure from their bodies that encourages a means to an end?  Cochran, along with all the other characters (you know...), always seem to perfectly embody their eras, but always meet their end before the era changes.  Cochran is a great example of this phenomenon, his career starts in 56' the year of the pompadour, he writes some of the best Rockabilly numbers, then BOOM, a car crash in England takes Cochran, but leaves Gene Vincent alive, Vincent was just as good, but on a smaller scale; interesting footnote, I read that a young Marc Bolan (T. Rex) carried Cochran's guitar to the death cab, little did he know, in all his fandenonium, that Cochran was going to die that very ride, but he was going to die in a car crash as well ... hmmm??  The spirit of Rock 'n' Roll showing us he's out there???  Who knows ...

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