Monday, January 16, 2012

Alice Cooper -- Killer

  Glam Shock 1971 Killer album by Alice Cooper seems to break up into two camps, part good ol' Rock 'n' Roll hits, and part bad Prog Metal misses.  Although some of us associate Cooper with the 80's cheese ball image who doesn't like pizza, these early albums were brilliant, pre-dating the British Glam Rock scene by a couple years, and Marilyn Manson's corny wanna be rip-off by decades.  Personally I find the offensive tunes to be so over the top that it becomes tacky rather than shocking.  Otherwise Killer kicks ass, and if you are unfamiliar with Alice Cooper's radness, I'd go for 1974's Greatest Hits, which I normally wouldn't recommend these types of compilations, but it's got all the good stuff, minus the stinkers!

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