Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kraftwerk -- The Man-Machine

  Das record iz more German dan German.  Heavily influenced by zeh Bauhaus (you better not think I mean the band!) und Karlheinz Stockhausen (electro composer, Beatles dug it too) ziss all laid zeh groundverk for Kraftwerk's innovative electronic pop music.  Zeh MTV vid heads and das 80's owe a huge debt to ziss band who revolutionized music in das style zat iz still mimicked today.  The Man-Machine focuses on typical Kraftwerk themes zat iz clear in zeh six track titles from zee album; The Robots, Spacelab, Metropolis, The Model, Neon Lights and The Man-Machine.  Und if you look closely at der video's you'd swear zat zey are das robots! doo doo dah doo!

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