Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Descendents -- I Don't Want To Grow Up

  If you grew up punk like I did there's no way you missed this group, they're definitely one of the best punk bands the 80's ever produced.  For those who don't know, this is the Descendents second release, and marks the return of Milo from college.  Personally do I think this record is better than Milo Goes To College, no I don't, but I Don't Want To Grow Up has in my opinion the best Descendents songs ever written, so it evens them out in awesomeness.  Side one tries to go where Milo Goes To College left off, silly, serious, angry, funny hardcore-ish punk rock, I can't say I'm too too crazy about it, it has its moments, but I feel blah about it.  Side two is where the real gems are, plus I find the sound production superior to the first half.  The song writing on the second side reached a new maturity for the band and had an influential writing style that spruced up again in the 90's Indie Rock. The numbers I hope to hear on classic rock stations when I'm an old man, if there's enough of us old punkers still alive to make it happen, would be Silly Girl and Good Good Things.  Not only are the riffs great, the sound is good and the cute girly lyrics are insanely relatable.  You know what, I Don’t Want to Grow Up either and if I keep listening to this record I probably never will!  YAY!

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