Thursday, June 16, 2011

Donovan -- What's Bin Did and What's Bin Hid

  What's this the Free Wheelin' Bin Donovan??  We all know Donovan for his folksy sounds, but this was uncanny -- and I'm not talking about the X-men!  The entire album is way more than a homage to Bob Dylan, it's a carbon copy and as far as carbon copies go, this one isn't bad, but there were some pretty stupid moments, lets face it he ain't no Zimmy.  As far as the album title is concerned I'm guessing it's suppose to be some kind of southern drawl, but why that phrase?  May I suspect that he might have been smoking hash and meditating with a certain revolutionary that we all know and hate??  Lets all put on our tin foil hats, Remember the Alamo and pretend it's Bobby D!!

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