Monday, September 15, 2014

Zounds -- Curse Of The ...

  Even though they are associated with and on the Crass record label, The Zounds weren't all about destroying punk rock music, they had a Clash meets Gang Of Four sound, with hints of rock 'n' roll psychedelia, cutting them apart from the typical Brit punk formula.

The Rolling Stones -- Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out!

  Marking the start of the Brian Jonesless, cocaine blues, era of the Stones, showing their legions of fans, despite a personnel loss, that it wasn't over yet!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Jay Reatard -- Matador Singles '08

  Still very power punk'd but sliding more towards indie rock ... I have to admit that I prefer when artists like Jay diversify into their softer side, it shows they are more than a one trick pony, it's just too f*cking bad he was taken away from us while he was on the cusp of real greatness!!

Ty Segall -- Sleeper

  Totally dropping his hard edge garage punk sound and picking up a serious psych folk style incorporating Neil Young with T. Rex.  Written in memory of his recently deceased father.  I'm sure lots of his loyal fans are thinking what the f*ck about this very mature record ... while I'm thinking it's about time!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Why laptops are the coolest thing ever!!

  I bought my laptop in 2008, yes I'm a techno late bloomer, for five hundred bux, the reason being I was going to college for the third time, my plan was to become a journalist, which I dropped out, of course -- three time loser!!  Point is for the most part I usually would be kicking my own ass for spending that much money on stupid electronics, but it inadvertently became one of the best purchases I have ever made for one reason, the burnt cd, I must have thousands of dollars worth of music that has come out of that thing, it just keeps paying for itself, over and over!  Imagining the countless albums I would never have had a hard copy of, which I'm a stickler for, is like some kind of nightmare.  Back in the day if you told me that in the future we'd all have miracle cd making machines, I would have laughed in your face, although we did have the dubbed tape, but that could turn out bad depending on which generation tape you were dubbing, point is THANK GOD FOR LAPTOPS!! THEY'RE AWESOME!!  Oh and for the 'what about the artists they don't get any money' people, I say, if the band is big enough, their mansions don't need to get any bigger, and if the group is underground, it's more recognition, meaning more concert ticket sales and I could get inspired to buy the LP so a win win for us all!