Friday, May 30, 2014

Frank Zappa -- Hot Rats

  Man I can't say I'm too crazy about Zappa's Jazz driven hippie elevator Muzak, but I do get how it is extremely technical and requires a large amount of focused talent ... All in all the bluesy Beefheart led super hit, Willy The Pimp, was best thing to write home about!!

Chad Vangaalen -- Shrink Dust

  This is one fine little release, but my only real concern is that every track sounds like someone else, you've got from Iron and Wine to Radiohead to Brian Jonestown Massacre to M. Ward, which is fine and all, but next time he may not want to piggie back on all his favorite bands, don't get me wrong the music itself is good, it's just the album has a feel of compilation record!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Poncho Records Compilation Vol. 1

  While dealing with an intruding state of anomie, being in a new place only knowing 'bout 2.5 people, I'm at least going out discovering the Halifax music scene, which is in fact solidifying my sense of making the right decision in moving here!!  I stumbled upon this compilation cassette two night release party while listening to the local college radio station CKDU.  What I heard was 60's, indie, shoegaze influenced bands playing a sorta lo fi psychedelia by a tightly intertwining knit collective, each band consisted of at least one or two members from other groups.  Anyway point is it's f*cking weird being the new guy in any city .... and if you have a chance to pick up this cassette -- DO IT!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Elton John

  A dark, lonely, gothic version of Beatles-esque type music.  Perfect for moments of alienation and general weirdness ... lets face the facts, if you're human, you've felt this way!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Black Flag -- Who's Got The 10 1/2?

  Living in a pity party, electricity-less apartment, armed only with my C battery powerered tape deck, so what better band to play but Black Flag, who else could make your frustrations feel perfectly understood with a blast of live Hardcore musical assault!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Sheryl Crow -- Tuesday Night Music Club

  Holy f*ck can anyone say anything good about this candy assed, cheesy as hell, waste of musical space, piece of garbage!?  I certainly hope not!  This album is pretty much at par on the annoying meter as the Mickey Mouse club ... Sheryl Crow ... bah, more like Sheryl No!!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Surfer blood -- Astro Coast

  So I picked up this Nugaze masterpiece by one trick pony band Surfer Blood, at what is my new local record shop.   Thing is I have heard this before via YouTube, but haven't to listen to my Lp, since my new digs doesn't have power.  Looks like I'm kicking it older than old school being the inner city camper, hey don't judge, at least I got a roof, running water and some candles, I've had it much much worst, so I think I can handle this minor set back!!

Two week later footnote, I don't really like this album!!  I was wrong!  Sorry!!

A month later from the two week mark, I really liked it, I guess I'm just indifferent!!

One year later update, I sold it, and never want to hear it again!