Friday, February 10, 2012

Slint -- Spiderland

  Slint's monolithic sophmore album, Spiderland ... it's hard to describe and categorize this Post - Math - not so Grungy - Indie - Spoken Velvet-ish The Gift style - Rock record, but that was my best attempt!  No wonder these College kids, who had a burst of brilliant creativity, lost themselves in metal illness and stress while recording.  Honestly I didn't know sh*t from shinola about this band until my buddy Jon totally schooled me and bought me a copy ... it's hard to like this record, but easy to love it!


Jon said...

I heard about this one by way of the Kids soundtrack. Remember that one? Super-fucked-up boring movie with a super-fucked-up boring soundtrack to match. Except for that one song, the last one on the second side, Slint’s “Good Morning, Captain”. Now that’s what I call post-rock. Starts low and slow and ends in a death spiral of pure, ambient noise. Loved it. So I did some research and discovered that Steve Albini loved it, too. Remember Steve Albini ? Of course you do. Nirvana was all the rage back then, and you couldn’t do better than a Steve Albini-endorsed album. So I ordered a tape from the local record shop. It took a month for it to arrive. And I listened to that tape non-stop for months. Of course it didn’t last forever. Stupid tape deck ate my tape. I haven’t listened to Slint since. Until that fateful day I found a copy in a Montreal record store. On vinyl. Which I gave away as a gift for my good buddy Electric Kool. Can you believe that? Boy, did you get schooled.

Jerm said...

what Kids had tones of lou barllow stuff! maybe not my favorite tracks but still pretty damn good!

Jerm said...

and this album isn't produced by albini, their first one was!

Jerm said...

btw mr. jon! love the tape story!

Jon said...

Glad to hear you liked the story! Didn't realize I had to check back here to see if you commented. You should install Disqus for your comments. Works way better!

Jerm said...

don't know what that means!!